Training: Customised community development training
Games as A teaching tool
kilcooley women's centre - custom training (funding & community development)
Kilcooley Women’s Centre wanted tailored training on community leadership and funding awareness. The training provided was so successful that the Kilcooley Tenant Support project and Kilcooley Community Forum also requested it.
Training involved games* and role play exercises that gave the participants a funders perspective, helped them understand key concepts and produce a draft budget. Games increased enjoyment and informality which made it more conducive to learning and engagement, with many more questions and conversations than traditional powerpoint methods. Certificates were issued to all participants with positive feedback obtained.
Training needs to be tailored to each and every audience, in terms of age profile, existing subject knowledge, experience, group size, time available, venue, post training progression and group dynamics. We retain sufficient flexibility and experience to read situations and respond accordingly.
*We created a unique version of monopoly with our own cards etc to help people understand about funding. This fun and informal learning approach was much appreciated and generated much higher levels of interaction and engagement than more traditional methods.