McGarry Consulting have a strong track record in delivering and assisting with feasibility studies. We can customise the feasibility study to your needs and advise on funding, design teams and appraisals where required.
A feasibility study is an early stage assessment of a project. It examines whether the project can be practically and successfully delivered. Feasibility can be explored from a general, technical, cost and/or financial (profit) perspective, among others. Reports are normally in proportion to the scale and complexity of the project, and can lead to a more detailed business case/plan where required.
Feasibility studies are often used to provide a quick initial low cost, low risk, low profile assessment of a potential project. They are often the first rung on the project development ladder. Usually there is no specific set format, with reports varying dependent on buyer needs and supplier custom. Normally, as a minimum they will however include an introduction, summary of need, potential options, outline costs, option analysis, conclusion and recommendations. Feasibility studies can sometimes be congruent with options appraisals.
We have a wide range of associates (e.g. architects, design teams, community and sector specific organisations) that we can partner with on feasibility studies, where required. McGarry Consulting can put a team together and tailor feasibility studies to suit your needs, timeframes and budgets. Clients appreciate our fresh, diligent and focused approach and our wider knowledge of project appraisals, funding and evaluations. To learn more, please contact us via the details below
Related Concepts: Economic Appraisal, Business Case, Options Appraisal, Sports Development Plans, etc