The Belfast YMCA Site in Stranmillis (c/o Google Maps)



How can we improve community facilities within Stranmillis? The Belfast YMCA owns the above site and are keen to integrate it more closely with the local community. They’ve met with local organisations (e.g. Council, Lagan Valley Regional Park, Stranmillis PS), and now want to engage with local people to hear their thoughts & ideas. A small group of volunteers are helping with this, and we’ve called the project “Stranmillis YMCA”. The hope is that we can develop facilities (e.g. children’s play area), activities, and programmes in the area and increase sense of community.


Over the last year, Belfast YMCA has invested £100,000 in the site. It has developed youth facilities, piloted a youth club, built new day-care provision for SOLAS (an autism charity) and run community events. A new Belfast YMCA strategy will also launch in July 2023, with a Lagan Meadows Junior Parkrun expected to start on the site in August/September 2023.

Along with Aquinas FC, we are working in a pro-bono capacity with the YMCA to help them improve the site. A presentation, below, has been set-up to provide a little background and introduce some possible ideas for discussion. An initial public meeting was held on 26th June 2023, with more events planned over the next few months, with an update provided at the next YMCA community event on 3rd September 2023. An online survey has also been established to record feedback.


Please take 5mins to scan the presentation (downloadable version below) and learn a little more and then complete the short survey (10 questions, 9 of which are tickbox) to let us know your thoughts. Hard copies of the survey are available from the YMCA office. If you want to get involved or learn more please email



To download a copy of the presentation or just make it easier to view, click here-YMCA Presentation.



Please take 5 mins to complete our short survey and let us know your thoughts and ideas; and how we can help you. Please press the button below or scan the QR code below.

QR Code/Link to Stranmillis YMCA Survey

a modern nursery & afterschools at YMCA Belfast


what’s next? in part that’s up to you. We are going to continue to spread the word and encourage as many people as possible to participate. We may even go door to door, to let people know. Whilst also trying to try some pilot projects out, and begin work on a feasibility study to determine how the ideas may happen. If you’d like to help, you’re very welcome so let us know by email or calling in at the YMCA site.