PACE | Crime Prevention & Home Safety Events

PACE | Crime Prevention & Home Safety Events

Welcome to PACE

PACE stands for Partner Anti-Crime Events (PACE). PACE events took place in late April and Mid-May 2019 in the Ards & North Down area. They were informal friendly events that highlight stories and tips that will help people to prevent crime (particularly fraud) and feel safer in their own homes. PACE was organised by AGE North Down & Ards with funding through the Assets Recovery Scheme. Events were facilitated by McGarry Consulting with support from Home Accident Prevention NI, Good Morning Call, Ulster Bank, Danske Bank and Street Pastors. They follow on from the successful Fear of Crime Events in previous years which had over 96% positive feedback with a desire for more events.


Many people asked us for the presentation slides to help them individually and for those presenting crime safety workshops and presentations.


McGarry Consulting evaluated the programme through surveys of participants at the end of each session, with the summary results below


There were 8 public presentations, a train the trainer event and information placed online (see presentation above). The events, outlined below, took place in April and May 2019.

PACE Event List.png

PACE Event Format & Goals

The events lasted approximately an hour with registration beforehand and refreshments afterwards (sometimes beforehand). The goal for the events was for people to have a better understanding of modern crime prevention and for them to take 1-2 steps to help protect themselves. Each attendee was be a given a list of tips and useful contact numbers, and crime safety canvas bag. At the events attendees people learned:

  • how local policing works

  • how to tackle fraud - especially online fraud

  • how to make your home safer

  • how to prevent falls & feel less lonely (especially older people on their own)

  • about Bank fraud & how to protect your account

  • about Neighbourhood Watch

There was also a chance to talk to support organisations, ask questions and share information or concerns. It was also an opportunity to meet local people and share a cup of tea/coffee.


Useful contact numbers are outlined below and also available via PDF

Page 1 of 2 useful contact details



Further tips and information will be gradually be added during April/May. If you have anything in particular you would like more information on please let us know via form below: