What is the Hub?
The former police station in Cushendall is currently being renovated and reimagined into a new workspace, called ‘The Barracks’. This will create small offices, workspaces and communal areas to facilitate remote, flexible and hybrid working as well as helping new and growing businesses. The development is led by Grow the Glens, a local Community Interest Company (CIC), formed in 2016 to build skills, capabilities and facilities within the Glens.
The Hub refers to Phase 2 of the project, which involves a two-storey extension to the front of the building. This would provide more flexible space for users and allow for more creative, communal, and community use. As well as providing more space for training, skills development and collaboration. Grow the Glen are seeking Growth Deal funding from Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council to develop the Hub. As part of that process the Hub project will be subject to a business case, for which your feedback would be much appreciated (see survey link & comment form below)
As an extension there is more scope to develop the site than the more rigid confines of the main building. Grow the Glens have sought inspiration from far and wide as to how best to develop the site. Including undertaking various consultations and hosting many site visits including a recent open day on 29th December 2022. This led to the idea of a creative and community hub. One which could marry the culture, heritage and community ethos of the area with the demand for more skills, more collaboration and more opportunities to develop much needed creative skills.
The creative industry, spanning IT, film, TV, gaming, crafts, music, theatre is growing significantly in the UK. NI is now a major tv and production destination. It’s also led to a significant spin-off in terms of screen tourism, which accounts for 1 in 6 visitors to NI.
Technology advancements, and new work patterns (e.g. flexible working) make it much easier for people to work together from across the globe and to build businesses from anywhere. Grow the Glens believe it is important to expose local people to these opportunities, to enhance skills, and connect with experienced ex-pats. This will also encourage people to travel to, and stay longer in, the area; and to reduce the need for people in the area to leave; and retain connections with the global diaspora who retain an affinity with the area.
As part of their research, Grow the Glens identified Newtownabbey Arts & Cultural Network (NACN) as a pioneer in the field. NACN have worked in this area for years, e.g. and now have 100 youth members on their performing arts academy; and have detailed plans for a new creative hub (images below)
NACN Creative Hub Proposals - Non-Alcoholic Cafe Area, with Seating and Pods and Gaming Room in Distance
NACN Proposed New Creative Hub with Cafe, Seating and Pod (with Screen)
NACN Proposed Hub - Floor Plan Showing Various Creative Hub Elements/Studios & Above Image Perspective (Red Arc)
NACN Proposed Creative Hub - Gaming & Media Content Room
Grow the Glens are keen to hear from as many people as possible regarding the hub and have set-up a short online survey, link below and a comment form for people to provide feedback.
The UK Government set up a UK Growth Deal fund to support digital and innovation projects. Councils in NI have made bids for this funding, which has then been matched by NI Executive Funds. The match funding has enabled the overall ‘Growth Deal’ to consider wider tourism, regeneration, infrastructure, employability and skills investments. Grow the Glens Hub (Phase 2) is one of the shortlisted projects under the Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council’s Growth Deal. The UK Growth Deal Fund sets out strict criteria, processes and timelines that must be followed. The first step is to set out an SOC (Strategic Outline Case) or OBC (Outline Business Case), which is where we are now. Successful projects would not be expected to get funding until 2024 onwards.
NB This does not mean other capital projects aren’t equally valid or won’t get funded, it just means that they have to look elsewhere for funding (e.g. Departmental Funding, Levelling Up, Peace Plus etc)
McGarry Consulting are working on behalf of the Council to conduct the business case with Grow the Glens.