eU FUnding for local communities
First EFF FLAG Funding in NI
economic appraisal: eff fishing community funding
DARD (now DAERA) was responsible for the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) within NI. Axis 4 (€3m) of the EFF concerned fishing communities designated by Fishing Local Action Groups (FLAG) Areas. Kilkeel, Ardglass and Portavogie formed the South East Area (SEA) FLAG, the only FLAG area in NI. DARD required a comprehensive EA to determine the needs of the fishing communities and how best the fund could support those needs. This involved significant negotiations with DARD, including both Fisheries and economics divisions. McGarry Consulting were brought in to resolve issues that had delayed the project for a significant time. McGarry Consulting addressed these issues and ensured that the funding was made available within a matter of weeks.